Thursday, February 28, 2013

The year of the snake...CNY

Chinese New Year has just ended a couple of days ago and here I am sharing the first week of cny spent in Malaysia at my parent's hometowns. It has been a few years since I have been back to the hometowns for cny despite living in malaysia for the past 2 1/2 years, the irony. It is not every year that cny is being spent in malaysia, most of the time it is spent in Singapore with the other relatives. This trip was probably pretty meaningful considering that it would be the last time I am gonna spent cny with my family at least for the next 3 years since I will be heading to uk. :( Anyway to get the ball rolling, we drove down to malaysia as usual and thank goodness we left early to escape the unbearable jam. Yes, there were 2 occasions I remember where we drove back and were stuck in a jam for 12 hours? With that time I could fly from Singapore to UK...hahahaha. Anyway, yeah, went back to dad's hometown first for home cooked reunion dinner. Shall let the pictures do the talking...

as usual, abalones are a necessity in all cny reunion dinners and its my favourite.

diamond brand abalone which I heard from my mum is quite famous

fried shredded kampong chicken for the shark's fins soup. this chicken was shredded manually and if you did not already know, kampong chicken meat is pretty tough and the meat seems to be highly attached to the bone making it difficult to peel out the meat as compared to the normal chicken that we normally they always say good things come with a price to pay.

crab meat for the soup too, again, lots of hard work had to be put in to peel out the crab meat and to resist the temptations of putting it in the mouth. hahaha.

kampong chicken, definitely not my favourite at all because the meat is tough and it has a very strong smell and taste..hahah

ginger chicken is my grandma's specialty and it is always seen on the table for every reunion dinner 

chefs at work :)

steamed fish

yup so this is where the abalone went to, dried chinese mushrooms with abalone, yums.

So after the food comes some entertainment. In malaysia it means playing with fire crackers and fireworks and all that stuff. Awesome.

lil cousin playing with fireworks.

Ended up taking video of the firecrackers and didn't get to take much pictures of the fireworks and all because my camera or rather lens kept failing on me, time to get a new lens!

Then came the first day of cny, didn't go visiting cos we didn't have to, we just sit at home and wait for people to come and visit my grandma...hahaha

meanwhile, this was what we were doing to keep ourselves occupied...playing with the lil cousin

familiar? the all time famous 'pop pop'

old school bicycle spotted in the house.

Went down to my mum's hometown on the second day of cny...

yup fire crackers again before beginning the feast at my aunt's open house. As you can see the fire crackers seem to be a bit bare because alot of it dropped out while it was being carried around...hahaha


the awesome asam laksa soup sitting inside this pot

haha, what an innovative way for a candle light dinner

a different version of peking duck

let the feast begin!

the aftermath

wheee, awesome asam laksa cooked by my aunt. 

fireworks and I admit I still suck very much at taking fireworks photos

writing on the kong ming deng

there it goes 

Then comes 3rd day of cny, pretty much slacked around and watch korean drama, innocent man.

Lunch was malay asam laksa which tasted good. If only I could have asam laksa or penang laksa for lunch or dinner every week, can never get enough of it!

ABC aka ice kacang

Dinner was at a nyona restaurant, the food was pretty good

curry fish head

tom yum soup

After that, we went to visit our grandparents

fried nian gao

nian gao..yes we brought back 3

crispy fried crackers, super awesome.

killing time camwhoring but the camera refuses to cooperate with us...

found this sticker on the pomelo and decided to paste it on my phone...hahaha

the sister

hahaha, i remember this, they were checking out 4D numbers on the phone.

my sis's attempt at lighting the mosquito coil...which succeeded only after countless of attempts..hahaha. 

finally done

The next day we headed down to kl and stayed there for a night cos I had to collect the remaining stuff from the house I stayed at and then it was back home on the 5th day of cny. So basically that was about it. Probably gonna write another post about the last day of cny. Till then!