Saturday, May 10, 2014

Easter 2014

I am back again, didn't realised that I have left this space for slightly over 2 months :( I wouldn't say the past 2 months have been really busy but somehow I just didn't find time to fill up this space. Currently onto my last 5 weeks of placements, 7 weeks before intermediates and 8 weeks to home. Honestly cannot wait to fly back home to my family, friends and good food. Although I would hate to admit I am loving the current weather, correction, temperature. Love the temperature but hate the rainy weather which is ruining spring! Wondering how I will adapt to 30 degree celsius and humidity weather back home...guess I will know in due time.

For now, shall move on to the highlight of this post on how I spent my Easter break which was just less than a month ago. Sadly, I only had 1 week of break and most of it was dedicated to studying (attempts to study to be precise). Nevertheless, I did have a breather at the start of the break with daddy choo coming down to Soton for the Easter weekend.

Daddy choo arrived in Soton on Friday and we had dinner at The Cowherds which is located at Southampton Common. The interior of the restaurant was really traditional old English restaurant which was really pretty and relaxing.

 We started off dinner with a sharing platter

and then our main courses
this was my dish: slow-cooked shoulder of lamb which tasted quite good. The meat was soft, succulent and had the herbs and spices that were incorporated inside weren't too strong which was good.

lijin had the salmon

my dad's steak, looking good.

grace's roast chicken

and then came the dessert menu, pretty creative way of displaying the menu. Was so tempted to bring it home and utilise it as my own..haha. Anyway, the desserts all sounded amazing but we were so full at that time, we had to limit our options.

Thus, we ended up with Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake which was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

and Gooseberry & Raspberry Oaty Crumble which was good as well.

Faces of happy and satisfied customers..haha. Overall, I would say that this restaurant is worth dinning at. The ambience is lovely and the food is good as well.(:

Headed off for a road trip to Oxford and Bath.

Arriving in Oxford, our first pitstop was a museum. Actually, this trip was kind of spontaneous. Initially we were thinking of heading down to Isle of Wight but because it was the Easter weekend, we thought there would be a massive jam to go there. 

stroking it as if it was my pet..

Rented a car and was treated to a free upgrade.

after visiting the museum, we started roaming around part of the campus

and then we went to roam around the city centre

one of the iconic attractions, this is the Hertford Bridge, popularly known as the Bridge of Sighs because of its similarity to the very famous Bridge of Sighs in Venice.

pretty simple cathedral interior

this is Christ Church Meadow. It is a really large compound and you get to walk around the entire compound surrounded it, although there isn't much to admire along the way.

That was pretty much of Oxford, and I bet I was missing out lots of other attractions. But since this was a impromptu trip with zero planning, wasn't that bad. The only issue that came up while in Oxford was parking. Parking was such a chore, spaces in the city centre was definitely limited and even after finding a parking lot, you are limited to only 2 hours of parking which definitely wasn't sufficient. I guess taking the train down would have been more favourable or maybe in future, we really need to do some homework and planning before embarking on road trips.

Our next stop was Bath which we didn't have sufficient time to really tour the area after spending approximately 2 hours driving around Oxford trying to find parking.

Not a very good photo but in front is the Pulteney Bridge and the weir in the river is the scene of Javert's suicide in Les Miserables!

Apparently Romans still exist in

In front of the famous Roman Bath which we didn't get a chance to enter because it was closed by the time we reached...

in front of Bath Abbey with pretty blue skies!

Closer photo of the Pulteney Bridge and the weir.

sun setting

suddenly I have golden coloured hair, thanks to the sun

Dinner was at this Napolitan-Italian restaurant called Yammo. The restaurant serves Napolitan street-style food and Italian favourites.

We had pizza with our own customized toppings.

Although the amount of toppings weren't that generous, the crust and base of the pizza kind of made up for it.

Due to time constraint, this is all I have of Bath, would really love to go there again sometime. That also concluded our really busy and tiring Saturday.

Back to London for the 4th time in less than a year?? Daddy Choo and I went separate ways, he went to meet up his friends while I went on a food venture with my uni peeps. #fatdieme totally.
1st stop: Make a guess...

This is the grilled version

and this is the steamed version. Which do I prefer? Honestly, I love both of them although the steamed one tends to be a little sweeter and juicer as it retains all the goodness since it is steamed. Sadly, it didn't taste as good as the previous time I had it, the texture was a bit overly chewy, might have been overcooked. I am not sure if this has to do with the lobsters being 'mass-cooked & produced' since this is the normal sized ones whereas the previous time I came, I had the bigger lobster to share between 4 of us.

such a cute photo..haha

2nd stop: SHORYU ramen! Our closest source of good ramen.

3rd stop: Dessert time at Patisserie Valerie.

Double chocolate cake, cannot remember the exact name.

Strawberry gateau which was awesome

looks kind of pathetic that we only ordered so little but hey we just had Lobster, ramen, pearl milk tea and went straight here with no breaks in between. Call us crazy, I think we were.

After that I had to sent my dad off at Heathrow airport so technically, I didn't have much time in London either. Nonetheless, I am satisfied having had good food with good company(:

That basically was the beginning of my short Easter break. Was so happy that daddy choo came by to visit, helping me transport a whole lot of laneige products to stock up but I did shower his luggage with lots of marks and spencer goodies..hahaha. As I type this, I wonder if they all finished by now..high possibility. Alright, I have taken enough time off just to write this post and should really get back to my revision. The time is ticking away....till then

Much love,