Sunday, June 9, 2013

DIY Home/Room Decor

Just got back from yet another seafood dinner, just had one exactly a week ago...OH NOOO. Didn't get to run the entire week due to an angioedema of my eyelids from an allergy plus the fact that I had 2 big dinners in 7 days, not a good thing. Need to get back to running this week! 

As mentioned earlier in the previous post, have lots of back dated photos to edit and upload and here it is, shall start with some DIY home-room decor. I know many people pastes/ sticks photos or polaroids on their walls, I am not an exception. However, instead of just merely sticking them on the wall, here is what I did :)

Yup, I used ribbons and christmas ball decorations plus wooden pegs to hang my photos!

Here are the items needed:
 Ribbons and wooden pegs. Initially I wanted to use nylon strings and even bought a row of them but as I was walking through popular, I chanced upon ribbons which made me change my mind. Yup, so the ribbons were from popular and the wooden pegs were bought from daiso. 

Used a variation of medium-sized wooden pegs and small ones, both from daiso. Used the medium-sized ones for the photos and the small ones for the polaroids.

More pegs..the heart shaped ones were a gift from a wedding so here is where it comes into utilisation!

what a pretty wedding gift

Christmas tree decor which I got from IKEA lots of years ago and didn't know what to do with them. Yes, I know they are meant for decorating the christmas tree but the tree I used to have was green and black is totally not a contrasting colour to green. Anyway, I didn't buy it for the tree, haha, I bought it cos they were pretty..hahaha. I used to have a box of silver ones before this but they have already been used up for various stuff. So back to these black ones, I used a few for wrapping christmas presents actually..hahah. So here is where 1/3 of them go to, for my photo hanging decor.

3M command clips never fails on me and have always came in handy! Plus, they are easy to remove and doesn't leave a mark. 

up close shot of the ribbons


and of course, photos. 

 The process:
Yup so basically this is what you do, measure the length of the ribbon you need and then tie it on the 3M clips

Layout the photos and clip them on the ribbon to see how it turns out. Initially I wanted to alternate between one photo and one polaroid as you can see above but it didn't turn out that nice, so decided to hang the polaroids at the 2 sides and the photos in the middle.

Next up, paste the photos using blu-tack on the wall, space them out evenly so that you will have a rough idea of how and where to hang the clips (in the middle of the photos). My clips are hung slightly away from the wall as I felt it looked nicer that way instead of it being leaned against the wall

After which, the christmas balls can be tied to it. The hearts above were just stringed in and not tied because the hole was really small so it fits nicely and doesn't slide through even without tying it.

Second last step: hang the photos!

And finally cut the ends of the ribbons and you are done! I actually stuck the christmas balls to the wall with blu-tack because my air con is facing the photos so in order to prevent the balls from moving and making noise, I had to do that. Yup, here you go! Simple idea but definitely not that easy a task to execute with all the measuring and all but definitely worth it. Makes the white wall alot more colourful and memorable :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

PC Show 2013

Just got back from the PC Show 2013 a few hours ago and currently configuring my new spanking new lappie! Yes, my other laptop decided to give up on me after almost 4 years and have been surviving on my humble ipad for the last 3-4 months, haha. Glad to be back to blogging with lots of back-dated photos to upload and edit. Lots of organization of files to do on my previous laptop as well as my external hard disks. Oh wells, shall take my time to do it :)

On a side note about the pc show...just don't understand why parents will bring their kids to pc show or even better, push prams at the place. I had an encounter with a lady earlier at the pc show today who was pushing a pram and I just accidentally knocked into it because the place was packed and she was like unhappy. Like, HELLOO, nobody asked you to bring your child here with a pram too. In the first place, it is so dangerous to bring your children to places like these, what happens if somebody accidentally drops an electrical gadget on your child. Seriously don't understand parents and their thinkings nowadays. Irresponsible? Can't be bothered? I have no ideas.

Oh wells, back to exploring my new baby! :)