Saturday, June 8, 2013

PC Show 2013

Just got back from the PC Show 2013 a few hours ago and currently configuring my new spanking new lappie! Yes, my other laptop decided to give up on me after almost 4 years and have been surviving on my humble ipad for the last 3-4 months, haha. Glad to be back to blogging with lots of back-dated photos to upload and edit. Lots of organization of files to do on my previous laptop as well as my external hard disks. Oh wells, shall take my time to do it :)

On a side note about the pc show...just don't understand why parents will bring their kids to pc show or even better, push prams at the place. I had an encounter with a lady earlier at the pc show today who was pushing a pram and I just accidentally knocked into it because the place was packed and she was like unhappy. Like, HELLOO, nobody asked you to bring your child here with a pram too. In the first place, it is so dangerous to bring your children to places like these, what happens if somebody accidentally drops an electrical gadget on your child. Seriously don't understand parents and their thinkings nowadays. Irresponsible? Can't be bothered? I have no ideas.

Oh wells, back to exploring my new baby! :)

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