Saturday, January 19, 2013

D&J's Wedding ♥

Hello once again, so the brother just had his wedding slightly over a month ago in Singapore. 2 weddings were held actually, one in Melbourne which was the ROM and church wedding and the other in Singapore which was a wedding lunch. Didn't get to take much photos in Melbourne cos was out on bridesmaid duties, didn't manage to lug my camera around, sadly. Thankfully, I managed to capture quite a number of shots during the wedding in Singapore so here it is! The wedding took place at Four Seasons Hotel Ballroom..yup.

Reception area where the tea ceremony was also held

 Before the wedding was held, inside the ballroom..

Pretty flowers! :) 

 The 'wedding cake', fake one of course. As u can see, it probably has been reused a few times..haha.

 Reception area with tidbits on the counter..mostly chocolates brought back from Melbourne

 the table where I sat...

 wedding lunch menu, the food was not bad, think it tasted better than the time I went for the food tasting..surprisingly.

 the 2 VIP tables had this flower stand on the colour of flowers on it..kudos to my bro and sis-in-law for the good taste

 little cousin was bored at her own table..therefore, she came over to 'disturb' us. hahaha

 the wedding speech...the bro with the serious face. LOL

 surprise plan for the bride by the groom

 newly wed couple opening the dance floor

 my uncle and my lil cousin out on the dance floor for a father-daughter dance, how sweeet.

 pretty pretty flowers!

 vvip table

solo performance from my cute.

So that's about it, didn't get to take much photos though. Thank goodness there was only a tea ceremony and a wedding lunch, i cannot imagine having a full day wedding, seriously so tiring. Was so caught up taking other photos, didn't manage to capture one of myself :( Anyway, for that day, I wore a beige sparkly dress from F21 and had my hair done up too with waterfall braids. At least I still have photos of myself from the melbourne wedding, may post it up next time then! Once again, really like to congratulate my bro and his wife and wishing them a blissful marriage ahead! Love you both! ♥♥♥

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