Friday, March 15, 2013

CNY Day 15 Steamboat

The title says it all, this post is going to be about how my last day of CNY was spent. This post is super back dated considering it is almost 1 month past cny, hahaha. So the last day was spent at home having steamboat with the family :)

Starting to prepare the table for a good meal

Food included:
Live prawns and clams. The clams were still alive at this point, on the left hand side of the picture u can see some flesh sticking out of the shell...

fishballs a must for steamboats!

Straw mushrooms

Fish maws :)

home-made chili, cannot do without this for a steamboat

oyster mushrooms

chinese leaf

almost done with the prep and laying out the dishes on the table

the sister helping out

abalone for the yu sheng

sliced pork, there was also beef

yu sheng from sakae sushi, so far one of the nicer yusheng I have came across

hahahaha, this was what happened when my sis had to break pretty hard to prevent beating the red light at a junction with red light camera. The entire box of yusheng fell from the seat to the floor..opps.

Efforts to save it and rearrange...looks more presentable now..hahaha.

Ingredients all added with the help of a slide presentation on the web which tells you what ingredient to add and what to say while adding the ingredient.

Now for the main course

looking good :)

since it was the last day of cny, we bought frozen tang yuans to put in the red bean soup my mum cooked. 

At this time of the day after editing all these food photos and blogging about it is making me so hungry! Thinking about what is there to eat in the house and realised there is only junk food and more junk food. :( Oh wells, shall still hunt for some food in the house before heading to the gym later!

On a side note, bought the last installments of photo frames to hang along the walkway in the house, need to start arranging them and hunting for photos. Already tried hunting for some photos on my laptop and realised that I have alot of photos but photos of my friends and I but hardly any nice photos with my family :( This photo hunting job is gonna be tough....roarrrr.

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