Sunday, October 27, 2013

Brighton in a day!

hello there! finally have the time to settle down and get back to blogging again. Currently posting this from my new place in soton, was previously camping out at senior's places. Moved in to this new place for more than a month now but been busy with day trips every other weekend and also with my parents down in the uk 2 weeks ago. Not forgetting assignments to be completed which I just did this afternoon, like finally. So cheers!

A while back, probably a month ago, a group of us headed down to brighton for a day trip. Mostly did sightseeing and eating of course. It is a rather beautiful place with a unique beach that of small rocks/pebbles rather than sand. 

walking down the streets

street market selling lots of vintage stuff

some Japanese fair was on at this area so we decided to walk in to have some jap food. As expected, there weren't that much variety of food and they were pretty pricey but its a fair after all, prices are bound to be increased..oh wells.

the beach/pier

first time seeing this, arcade and theme park at the pier just above the sea

headed to fishy fishy for lunch which was one of the recommended places

had fish and chips but they weren't that great. The fish was really oily and towards the end you will just end up feeling sick from all the oil.

semi-seafood platter that we all shared, not very spectacular. Personally, I don't think I will recommend the place. The food ain't that great, the service wasn't that good either and for the price you pay, I am sure you can get better food elsewhere.

Went back to the beach area to get some photos taken after lunch.

Honestly, this area where I was standing having this photo taken smelled terribly of pee.

mandatory pathway on pebbles shot.

and since we were getting a bit bored, I decided that we do some nonsense modelling shots. hahaha.

obviously not cut out for modelling. HAHA.

I see some potential, ah-ha!

you can always rely on dr martens. 3 years on and they are still great except for a few scratches and dirt. Wish I could get another pair!

now you get what I mean by the arcade and theme park is literally above the sea.

Yup, so that was about it from Brighton. Wish I got to take more photos though. Been getting a little lazy to take photos despite the new lens. Next up will probably be another set of photos from london. Didn't really get to take much this time because we were mostly shopping around since that was our main motive other then to visit my cousin and parents. Hopefully I can find time to edit my photos and blog them out though I seriously need to get some studying done now that my essay is done. 

On a side note, weather is getting a bit depressing lately with daylight saving ending just yesterday. Now it gets dark by 5pm which was the time my friend and I went out to head to the gym, seriously felt like it was 9pm...haha. This also means, by the time I get out of hospital, its dark...the sad truth but yeah. Surprisingly the trees are still very much full of leafs and pretty green in colour too. Yes, I know its soon to be november, the leafs should have at least all turned yellow-orange or have dropped by now. Then again, the news have reported that we are on for the worst winter in a decade, basically a long and cold winter. To top that up, the first predicted snowfall is in November. I know it has started to snow in cleveland, US already, pretty early uh? This is what you get with global warming...sigh.

Should head off now for some studying, gonna be a long day tomorrow. Till then!♥

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