Thursday, November 7, 2013

London & Portsmouth

It has been a rather busy and tiring week so far, and finally it is friday tomorrow! Time is flying by so quickly and soon it is going to be Christmas. And before I know it, I will be done with year 3 and be back home for holidays.(: Okay, so I happened to have some free time tonight and decided to edit my photos and blog though my eyelids are feeling so heavy and on the verge of closing anytime. I am actually waiting for a new episode of a drama to be out so I am persevering on through the night despite having been in hospital from 8am-6pm today. *yawns* 

Alright, back to the main topic of this post which is back dated 1 month. It is my second trip down to London mainly for spending time with my parents and winter shopping, not so much of sight seeing. And also visited Portsmouth while my parents were down in Southampton. 

Had dim sum at Dragon Castle in London on a Saturday afternoon. It was surprisingly good, probably better than some I have tried back home.

Definitely too much food. Ended up tapao-ing.

That afternoon was pretty much shopping, shopping and more shopping along oxford street and the weather was great then, not so much now.

Headed down to Burger & Lobster at Leicester Square for lunch on Sunday. Reached approximately at 12ish, one of the best times to go because when we left the restaurant around 2, there was a long queue outside. My reviews on it, definitely not one of those over-rated restaurants. Service was good and so was the food. Cost wise, it can be a little costly but considering the fact that it is seafood and lobster, it is inevitable. I wouldn't say that it is definitely worth the money but rather it is a mandatory dining spot when you visit London!

plastic bibs were provided...hahaha, first time seeing it in a seafood restaurant.

the sides that came with it: salad, fries and garlic-butter sauce which was so good.

there you go, huge lobster, it really was, the photo didn't do justice to it sadly. It weighed about 5pounds if I am not wrong. My dad decided to get the bigger ones instead of having 1 each since its more worth it and you get more flesh instead of shells.

this was taken along regent street, bro's favourite - NFL.

massive Burberry store on regent street, just had to make my rounds inside.

That summed up my weekend in London, short but sweet. The next weekend, my parents came over to soton and we headed down to Portsmouth on a not so weather friendly day. It was raining the entire day, sadly. Thankfully, I managed to snap quite a number of shots before the rain started to get heavy.

at the historic dockyard

mandatory travel tumbling shot!

this exhibition was quite interesting with a couple of hands on station like this one where you can learn how to tie various knots. So, I had my take on the spanish bowline.

ta-dah! Success!

Went to dine in for some fish and chips for lunch because my parents just had to find a restaurant serving good fish and chips. LOL. This wasn't that good but better than the one I previously had in Brighton. Can't recall the name of the shop :(

Since the rain didn't have mercy on us, we decided to head off to the outlets for some shopping, window shopping mostly even though they were outlet stores. The best buy was probably crabtree & evelyn handcream. Mandatory for healthcare workers who are constantly using hand sanitizers which dries up your skin badly.

It was home bound for my parents the next day :( but I am glad that they came and lugged my notes along all over europe and uk, LOVE YOU MUM AND DAD! ♥♥♥ Wish I could have spent more time with them here in uk but didn't have a choice since it was school term and I had to be in the hospital for sign off and teachings and all that.  

Okay then, new episode is out, so its time to finish off this post, watch the new ep and head off to sleep, gonna be another long day tomorrow. Till then. ♥

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